Our Results
Cybertip.ca is committed to reducing the victimization of children online. In addition to receiving and processing reports from the public and child sexual abuse material that is detected through Project Arachnid, the tipline also provides education resources to help keep children of all ages safe online.
Public Reporting:
- 429,700+
- 20.3+ million education and prevention resources distributed across Canada
- Educational page views: 13.2+ million
- Reports forwarded to a Canadian law enforcement agency or child welfare:
reports actioned internationally: 134,600+
17,100+ reports about luring/
grooming - 6,600+ reports about sextortion
- 5,500+ reports about intimate images
- Countless
Project Arachnid:
- 169+ billion images processed
- 18.5+ million media targeted for removal by Project Arachnid
- 1,000+ providers spanning nearly 100 countries received notices
Each month, Cybertip.ca processes 2,700+ reports.*
* Excluding activities related to Project Arachnid
Updated: July 2024 (up to June 30, 2024)